A commonly asked question is “can I drink water after taking CBD oil?” and if you are looking for the short, yes, you can drink water after consuming CBD oil.
Before you bounce off this page and go about your day, we recommend gaining a full perspective about why it’s ok to drink water after taking CBD oil and the variety of popular CBD oil consumption methods out there.

This will all lead you to becoming an educated and well-informed consumer about all things CBD. You can start your research here and check out our post titled “Fresno’s Best Kept Secret: CBD Oil from the Amaro Farm”, we go in depth about the importance of choosing sustainable, high-quality CBD oil.
What Are The Different Ways To Consume CBD?
In our post titled “CBD Products”, we deep dive into all the different methods of consuming CBD and our recommendations for specific CBD products you can buy. If you’d like to read that post you will get a deeper understanding but for the sake of discussing the most popular methods of consuming CBD, let’s simply list a few here:
CBD gummies
CBD tinctures
CBD topicals
CBD joints
CBD Vapes
Our recommendation is that you grab a 10,000mg bottle of pure CBD oil in the Amaro shop, place a few droplets under your tongue, where it will be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and begin its miraculous effects on the body.
How Long Does My Body Need For CBD Oil to Absorb?
After you’ve placed the CBD oil droplets under your tongue, we suggest holding the oil for a minute or two. There’s no established benchmark as to how long it should be held under the tongue but we believe that holding it for just a bit longer if possible, may assist in a better absorption rate and an increase in the desired effect.

This allows for the CBD oil to be fully absorbed by the body and you can wash any remnants that remain with some fresh, delicious water.
Holding the CBD oil under for as long as you can as it will prevent degradation that can occur when you swallow the CBD oil.
Does Drinking Water Dilute The CBD Oil in my Body?
Consuming CBD oil under the tongue by adhering to the guidelines we outlined in the paragraph above, you won’t have to worry about water diluting the CBD oil you just consumed. Remember, the oil is being absorbed into the bloodstream so there shouldn’t be any worry of drinking water immediately after consuming CBD oil.
If we are being honest, we encourage you to go ahead and have some water after you consume your CBD oil, it will make for a better experience if you don’t have the worry of dehydration looming like a dark cloud over your head.
What is The Water and CBD Connection?
In your research, you will find that there are different schools of thought pertaining to the topic but if you just use a bit of common sense you will arrive at the correct answer every time. Think about it, if you consume your CBD with a vape pen or a topical ointment there isn’t a need to wait before ingesting water or food.
On the other hand, if you choose to consume CBD oil with a tincture under the tongue it would make sense to give the oil a minute or two to fully absorb into the bloodstream.
Can I Eat After Consuming CBD Oil?
Yes, it’s safe to eat immediately after consuming CBD oil but you really should consider your method of consumption before making a final decision. When you let CBD oil sit under your tongue, your body is absorbing it directly into the bloodstream but if you’re eating CBD gummies or CBD brownies for example, it could be a benefit to wait a bit before eating anything else.

The last thing you want to do is spend your money on high-quality CBD products only to have the effects minimized by a misinformed decision.
Be on the safe side and do not eat something too soon after consuming the CBD oil sublingually.
Circling back to answer the question “can I drink water after taking CBD oil?”, the answer is, yes! If you can remember to give the oil time to fully absorb into your body, regardless of the method of consumption, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
We touched on it a little at the beginning of this post but we are very proud of products we sell in the Amaro shop and we can’t stress to be certain what you are ingesting is high-quality CBD oil that is not only a good product but is sustainably sourced.
If you are looking for a safe, high-quality CBD oils you can look no further than the full line of CBD oil in the Amaro Shop.
We stand by the products that we manufacture to the degree of which they are the same products that we share with our own family and friends.
Amaro CBD donates a portion of it's annual profits to 17 Strong, a non-profit organization that provides financial assistance to young adults battling life threatening illnesses through providing victory trips and scholarships.